So I got to do something pretty awesome last night!
I got to sing "A Whole New World" at the SACA Member's Test Match Dinner (the Ashes Dinner before the second Ashes series in Adelaide) in front of a lot of well known people with the special guest being Sir Tim Rice!!
Now, I love my Disney and never throw up a chance to be a Princess but to sing that song in front of the person who wrote the words (and won an Academy Award for it) is a little crazy! But it was a wonderful experience and it was great sharing it with Brady and the singers and dancers from Impact Entertainment.

Plus got to wear an amazing sparkly dress 😍 I will be honest and say it is not something I would normally wear but it was perfect for it!
I am constantly surprised by the amazing opportunities God gives me to sing and am so grateful. My life is so filled with diversity and fun.
So Christmas is just around the corner and that means that we are all busy but for performers, I think it ramps up even more. Plus add to that I am finishing Qualification for Mary Kay Directorship this month and things are nuts BUT exciting too!! So what else is going on....
This Sunday 3rd Dec, Soul Factor's Christmas presentation "Searching for a King" is on at 3pm at 277 Pirie St Adelaide. It will be a wonderful afternoon of music and entertainment for all ages. There are still some tickets left but be quick. You can book your tickets here
After Soul Factor's Concert, I then head to Burnside for their Community Carols as a soloist. So that will be lovely to share with that crowd again as I sang there last year as well. Things kick off at 6:15pm at Hazelwood Park if you want to come along.
Then after that I have some more carols services, the Gawler Carols, A Day with Jane with Emma Knights Productions - Spend Jane Austen's birthday with her much loved characters, costumes, music and of course Afternoon tea. If this sounds like its for you get your tickets here
Some more rehearsals and then City Salvos Community Carols, which I invite you to! City Salvos 277 Pirie St Adelaide. Pre Entertainment starts at 4pm and the Carols at 6pm. Free BBQ, Kids Entertainment and beautiful music.
So after all that it will be almost Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and that I see you at something over this time.
Have a wonderful week!
Bec x
I got to sing "A Whole New World" at the SACA Member's Test Match Dinner (the Ashes Dinner before the second Ashes series in Adelaide) in front of a lot of well known people with the special guest being Sir Tim Rice!!

Plus got to wear an amazing sparkly dress 😍 I will be honest and say it is not something I would normally wear but it was perfect for it!
I am constantly surprised by the amazing opportunities God gives me to sing and am so grateful. My life is so filled with diversity and fun.
So Christmas is just around the corner and that means that we are all busy but for performers, I think it ramps up even more. Plus add to that I am finishing Qualification for Mary Kay Directorship this month and things are nuts BUT exciting too!! So what else is going on....
This Sunday 3rd Dec, Soul Factor's Christmas presentation "Searching for a King" is on at 3pm at 277 Pirie St Adelaide. It will be a wonderful afternoon of music and entertainment for all ages. There are still some tickets left but be quick. You can book your tickets here
After Soul Factor's Concert, I then head to Burnside for their Community Carols as a soloist. So that will be lovely to share with that crowd again as I sang there last year as well. Things kick off at 6:15pm at Hazelwood Park if you want to come along.
Then after that I have some more carols services, the Gawler Carols, A Day with Jane with Emma Knights Productions - Spend Jane Austen's birthday with her much loved characters, costumes, music and of course Afternoon tea. If this sounds like its for you get your tickets here
Some more rehearsals and then City Salvos Community Carols, which I invite you to! City Salvos 277 Pirie St Adelaide. Pre Entertainment starts at 4pm and the Carols at 6pm. Free BBQ, Kids Entertainment and beautiful music.
So after all that it will be almost Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and that I see you at something over this time.
Have a wonderful week!
Bec x
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