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"Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain"

I can't believe I am sitting here already a week after the opening of Emma Knights Productions Oklahoma! on a Farm and we have finished another fabulous season and I've already jumped into rehearsals for the next couple of things. But I wanted to take a moment to again talk about this show and to say how grateful I am to be able to perform like this.

This season of Oklahoma was HOT!! in many ways but also "literally" haha!! The temperatures of the weekend were in the high 30's and Saturday was so humid, but the amazing cast, crew and orchestra pushed through it and the performances was fabulous. And thats not just me saying that but the audiences who came were again raving at how good it was and what I find wonderful is they all sat through it, in the heat themselves but did not complain.

There is something about being on the farm, if you have never been to Four Oaks Farm in Littlehampton I encourage you to (even better if it's for a show I'm doing 😄) it is a beautiful place.  And there is something about escaping the city, it makes me take a deep breath and become calm and happy. Granted I grew up on a farm and in the hills and so I think personally it makes me feel at home but it seems everyone felt like that and I miss it. I wish I could be back there this weekend performing, it makes me happy.

My fellow Cast, Orchestra and Crew members are a fabulous bunch to work with and pretty talented as well. I love working with them and love that we click in performance. Its hard work working in the heat and adding to that the flies, wind, animals and more but we all enjoy it and, if I heard it once I heard it a hundred times, it shows.
Great Bunch of Peeps!!
Photo: Gus Smith

This is a special show that I would do again, would love to tour it and show others 😃 I love playing the character Laurey and treasure her.

And so that begins my 2017. I am now in rehearsals for 35mm, a contemporary musical exhibition based around photographs and their stories for the Fringe Festival. This is an interesting piece and intense with its music but should be a great show. Tickets are onsale here

I wish you a fabulous weekend!

Bec x


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