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Showing posts from 2014

For Unto Y'all is born this day.....

I honestly can not believe we are only a week away from Christmas but this year and especially the last few weeks have flown by! I have been really busy though and so I suppose that makes a difference! With the end of Legally Blonde and then driving to Melbourne to see my sister Lauren get commissioned as a Salvation Army Officer at which my sisters and I also sang at (it was lovely to get back to singing together). November was over and December was here. This December, Soul Factor Gospel Choir  is reprising "For Unto Y'all - A Cowboy Christmas" the cowboy musical which we premiered last year. So I was straight into that! This year we are performing it at Scott Theatre Adelaide (one of my favourite theatres to work in, so many memories :) ) and it is bigger and we believe better! Plus it runs in the week up to Christmas and so provides a fabulous event for people to go to with family, or friends or workmates or whatever to get into the Christmas Spirit and have some f...

"Thankyou one and all"

Grateful! That is the word for how I am feeling. I have just finished a absolutely fabulous "SOLD OUT" season of Legally Blonde the Musical and I can not be more grateful for the opportunity. I truly love performing and when you get the chance to do it night after night with amazing talented people, in a show that you love it becomes a blessing. I have enjoyed playing a character different to myself. Vivienne although at the beginning a bitch, she is able to redeem herself and become a better, stronger person. I loved my wig (although still don't know about actually cutting my hair off!) and will miss becoming Viv each night. To the talented cast and crew, thankyou for sharing your gifts with all of us. These beautiful were so much fun to be around and aside from the laughs were fabulous at what they did. The audiences reactions and comments showed what a fantastic job everyone did and that also goes for the orchestra (you guys are the backbone) and the tech crew...

Happy Birthday Songs!

So I'm now 31! I can not believe a year has already passed since my 30th and all that was going on at that time. There I was last year thinking "Oh my goodness, I'm in a new age range I've hit 30" and that year has already past. Well, I can say that being in your 30's is not bad actually and if anything I am happy I'm here, yes minus a few things I thought I would have gained in that 30th year but I am happy, healthy and surrounded by those who love me so I am extremely grateful. This years birthday was a lot less flashy than last years (thank goodness because that was a lot of work haha!) but lovely all the same. It began actually on Saturday, my sister Liv had organised a breakfast and surprised me by inviting some of girlfriends to join us. The café we went to was Harvest in Mylor, South Australia. It was really adorable and encourage you to check it out some time. We sat outside in gorgeous weather, under the tress and enjoyed each others company and...

Speaking Life!

What a beautiful day!! I am so grateful for days like these and the weekend we just had. Sun, flowers and butterflies make me happy and glad that winter is behind us! I had a great night last Friday singing with Marion City Band for their annual charity concert. This year's charity was Legacy and it was wonderful to hear of their work and support them as they do so much for our servicemen and women. I sang an array songs which were then added to a great mix of wartime and favourite songs of those wartime eras. Some of my songs were Secret Love, Someone to Watch Over Me, All that Jazz, Sway and Summertime. The audience were great and thoroughly enjoyed the music. Are any of those songs favourites of yours? It was great to sing with a brass band again and to share with a new audience. Do you ever think or take notice of the words that you speak? Do you realise that it could be affecting your life, your relationships, your work? I myself an a talker, if you know me you may be lau...

Blessed Spring!!

Well how the time flies!! Especially this year or maybe its just as we get older time speeds up?? either way I can not believe we are in September and I haven't written a post since July. I can explain that actually I was rather busy in August, good busy but time was short in that month. I was very aware in August how blessed I am to have the ability to sing (or make music) and then also that I have opportunities to share with people through performance. Soul Factor performed their, what has been in the last 5 years, Annual Broadway concert. We performed 3 concerts over two weekends, the first in Mount Barker and the last 2 concerts in Victor Harbor. This year it was more of a favourites concert of music, while always having a range of songs this gave us the chance to redo some from past concerts or add a favourite we hadn't done yet. All in all there was about 20 songs and all with costumes and most with choreography so it is rather a big undertaking. The thing is though onc...

Here comes the Sun!

I am writing this post, thoroughly enjoying the sun streaming in the open windows! My heart is lifted and with it the day and therefore the week! Winter, although beautiful at times and of course essential for growth, can be depressing. The winter blues start to set in after days of endless cold, rain and dreary weather. This winter especially has been so cold, do you agree? I don't cope well with the cold, I love spring and autumn and so winter can get me down. I admit that for most of June I was not myself, I was not depressed but I didn't really have any thing that excited me, I felt that I was not good enough and I generally felt "Meh!". How about you have you been feeling the winter blues?? I started thinking and praying about this as it is not generally how I am, and God started showing me again that when we know him there is joy. Yes our environment or circumstances may not be great, we may be struggling but God is waiting there to take hold of our burdens if...

Bits & Pieces

As we reach the middle of the year I am reminded of how at the beginning of the year I said that this was a year to try new things, step out of my comfort zone and let other things go. I believe I have made a good try at this as I have done a few things this year that I have not done before and I have been out of my comfort zone although maybe not as much as I should. What about you? looking back on the last 6 months what have you done? June has been a slower month (sort of) for me but oddly it is flying by! I ended May auditioning for Legally Blonde the Musical. I was actually quite nervous about it actually, probably more of the dancing side but I did really want to get in. If you haven't seen or heard of the musical you should get online and check it out. It is a fantastic, energetic show and fun for the whole family! So I got the role of Vivienne, who is the mean character haha but she should be a lot of fun to play. Performances run in November so we haven't started rehe...

Music, Masters & Mums!

Wow I can not believe that we are already into May, so much is happening this year and it is flying past! Is that the same for you? It isn't just me? I hope you are well and that you had a wonderful Easter and holidays. Easter seems so long ago now but I had a wonderful Easter. I was the guest artist at the Belgrave Easter Convention at Belgrave Heights. It was a wonderful weekend actually such fabulous speakers and a chance for me to sing a lot over a number of days and to share with the people attending.  I got there on Good Friday afternoon after singing at Moreland Salvation Army in the morning with and for my sister Lauren as she was leading the service. Anyway, I was able to spend from Good Friday afternoon until Monday Afternoon at the conference and was able to present a range of Easter music that I was thankful went over very well. It was actually lovely for me to be able to hear the speakers and other things that were going on as I normally fly in fly out so it was grea...


I have been truly blessed this last week! On Thursday last week I found out that I had been successful in the Gallipoli 2015 Ballot and had received a Double Pass to attend the Dawn Service & Lone Pine Service celebrating the Centenary of ANZAC!!! I am truly blown away and excited that I would be one chosen out of 43,000+ that were in the Ballot. It also allows me to share it with Dad who has always wanted to go and this makes me happy! So Dad and I are heading to Gallipoli next year! (now to save for it haha). Also this week I had the SA Mary Kay Quarterly Awards and took home numerous prizes including Unit Queen and State Queen of Sales plus I also moved up to Team Manager which is one step away from my goal of Director. I truly love the company, they are wonderful to work for and so giving. If you want to read more about that night  go to my makeup blog at . So Easter is coming, it seems a little later th...

In a moment!

Over this last week I have been thinking about how life can change "in a moment". Either one minute all is well and the next its not or it can change towards the good, achieving a goal, getting the job etc and yet we never really know when this is going to happen. It was 2 years ago on Tuesday (11th) since my brother passed away, 2 days before he had a car accident. We had woken up on that Friday expecting a normal day and "in a moment" everything had changed, he was in a coma and would never be the same again.  I was thinking over this this week and realised how many times it happens in our lives. Change happens everyday and so much of it we can't control, we had no idea we would lose Alex, those people on the Malaysian Airlines flight had no idea they would go missing nor did their families. On the other side, I have received calls this year to do new things, things I never really thought I'd do and weren't expecting so again "in a moment" ...

Directing my thoughts!

So it’s the middle of the night and it seems that you have your own film or television show going on in your mind. There's a situation, you see it as it is, as it really happened, then you see it as you wished it happened, then you see another way, then another way, you change how it went, there are multiple alternate endings the list goes on………..and you don’t sleep!!  Does this happen to you to? Or is it just me?? I don’t believe it’s just me haha I know that many of us do it, especially us ladies :-P Over thinking, negative thoughts and creating drama in our minds is very common. I realise that I am a dramatic person and I love a good performance but although the situation might be out of my hands, the way I think and react are in my control if only to turn them over to God. We can choose how we think and act and I am making an effort to turn all my thoughts over to God and his promises. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says “We demolish arguments and every pretension that...

2014: No Fear but lots of Flair!!

Happy New Year!! I know I'm almost a month late but I still hadn't said it to you and it is a happy new year, is it for you? I began this year with people I care about and actually my Christmas holidays were like that too and it was wonderful.  My sister Lauren, my brother in law Aaron and their daughter Bella (my beautiful niece) were over here for 10 days and it was just lovely to spend so much time with them. Children always make that time of the year more special and although Bella is only 1, she just bought so many smiles, laughs and fun to the time.  How was your Christmas? did you get some time off? So then a New Year happened! I say it like that because it kind of felt like it appeared out of no where! 2013 was a great year, a busy crazy year at times but a good & blessed one and for the most part I had a ball. I continued my trips interstate singing both with Staff Band and as a soloist, I did two musicals - Little Women and For Unto Y'all two very different ...