So it’s the middle of the night and it seems that you have
your own film or television show going on in your mind. There's a situation, you
see it as it is, as it really happened, then you see it as you wished it
happened, then you see another way, then another way, you change how it went,
there are multiple alternate endings the list goes on………..and you don’t sleep!!
Does this happen to you to? Or is it just me??
I don’t believe it’s just me haha I know that many of us do
it, especially us ladies :-P Over thinking, negative thoughts and creating drama
in our minds is very common. I realise that I am a dramatic person and I love a
good performance but although the situation might be out of my hands, the way I
think and react are in my control if only to turn them over to God.
We can choose how we think and act and I am making an effort
to turn all my thoughts over to God and his promises. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says “We
demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the
knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to
Christ” . We do not need to ruled by negative thoughts, or let them take our
belief in ourselves away. Claim the truth and well, I am going to leave the
movie making to Hollywood! ;-)
Bec x
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