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You were 16, going on 17....

Its hard to believe I am sitting here on the first of a new year! 2016 has just flown by and now I sit here contemplating a new year and thanking God for the past one.

In the last few days, social media has been covered with people saying how bad 2016 was and how it was the worst year for them etc and I understand for some people it has been a tough year for all various reasons and the world has definitely lost its far share of celebrities and influential people but I have to say for me, 2016 has been an amazing year and although there have been challenges and unexpected things happen I have grown and am thankful for them. 
I am not the person I was at the beginning of the year!

2016 for me has been filled with opportunities and ways to use my talents. I moved out on my own, i performed 5 musicals, numerous new gigs and performances, I worked on a film, did an advert, continued to build my Mary Kay business, gained a niece and a nephew, juggled the busiest professional development calendar at work we've had for a long time, built relationships, had some amazing fun times, learnt to cherish the quiet and to realise that I can push myself further and further. My bible verse for the year was
"I have made you, I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you" Is 46:4 and God has reminded me and fulfilled this so many times and I am grateful,
I wanted to recap the last year as it has been great and in case you missed anything 😉


January 2016

I began the year with Oklahoma! On a Farm. This was honestly one of the best experiences I have had in my performing career. To play Laurey in that setting and for it to work so well was amazing! If you want to read more about it my January blog post says it all OR you can come and experience it for yourself as we are doing a return season starting THIS COMING FRIDAY!!!

For tickets head to and get in quick as there are only 6 shows and tickets are selling fast.

February 2016

I moved into my own apartment and made the move down from the hills! Took a little getting used to but love it now!
Pirates of Penzance on the Popeye made its return for the 3rd year at the Adelaide Fringe and again we had great fun squeezing the show onto the boat and  entertaining our audiences.

March 2016
Soul Factor performed their Easter Musical "Power of His Love" and I again played Camilla (Pilate's Wife). This was an beautiful time of performances, such a massive sing but so well received. 

And then at Easter I was a quest singer in Melbourne.

May 2016

This was a crazy busy month!!

Over the end of April and then May I had 3 baby showers for my sisters. 2 here and one in Melbourne. I only have 2 sisters but they were both pregnant.

The J.D Lord band had their first gig and we as the backing vocals did our thing, glad we remembered all the songs haha!!
But it was a great night!

June 2016

All I can say about this month is "Big Fish". I had the privilege of playing Sandra in this beautiful musical and again one of the best experiences of my life. Honestly, if they rang me tonight and said we were doing it again i would be there tomorrow, with bells on!! Truly blessed to be apart of that show and I miss it actually! If you haven't read my June blog post about it just says it all!

Also in this month my handsome nephew 
Hudson was born. This kid is the best, such a cool guy and he brings so much joy.

July 2016

Then my other sister had her baby and I was Auntie again to Eva Grace. Our family has been so blessed with these beautiful additions and also watching my sisters as mothers is special.  

August 2016

This month I worked on the film Hotel Mumbai as a Stand In for Nazanin Boniadi. Was a really great experience, learnt a lot, made some great friends and stepped out of my comfort zone. 

September 2016

This month I sang at The Salvation Army Australia One meeting, which really was history being made as the Salvation Army territories of Australia became one. I also sang at the ATG Awards and did a surprise fairy party.

October 2016

This month saw Soul Factor's second musical "Two from Galilee" open. This was a truly beautiful show, one I enjoyed doing so much as my Soul Factor family are awesome but it also was a wonderful story to tell and I look forward to again playing Mary in Sept/Oct 2017 for the return season!!

I did the Rivergum Homes WOW advert and 
I also celebrated my birthday in style with a wonderful bunch of friends and family and then we also celebrated Eva's Dedication as well that weekend. 

November 2016

Another J.D Lord gig, and Andrew Sisters Tribute gig at the Adelaide Town Hall. Lots of words, lots of harmonies and many movements but got through them all!!

December 2016

And this last month was of course crazy!

Soul Factor's Christmas Concert which was our last for 6 months as we are having a break, I sang at numerous carols services, had catch ups and end of year events, went to Melbourne, sang with the sisters, shared Christmas together and finished the year exhausted but happy.
So that was my year, thanks for letting me run through it. I have had a ball and feel very blessed.

Now we have a new year, 2017.

I am excited about it and know that God has great things for me and my loved ones. I have shows already booked in and I am looking forward to new opportunities that come my way. 
We have more time and a chance to do more, be more and love more. Take it and use it well.

Happy New Year!!

Bec x


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