2018 has really been an amazing year.
When I look back on what I've actually done this year it is actually quite crazy but I've enjoyed every minute of it.

So at the beginning of this year, I actually said I was gonna have a quieter year and that turned out to not be true in the slightest. But it has been amazing!
So this year, I have done Oklahoma on a Farm twice, played Princess Fiona in an SA Premiere of Shrek (plus learned to tap dance), done a Bee Gee's Tribute with my sisters, climbed aboard a Pirate Ship many times, been a Siamese Twin in SideShow the Musical, been an Ice & Fire Queen, learnt and performed many Elvis songs, sang on a Cruise Ship, sang on the radio 4 times, perfomed in concerts, gigs, dinners, and around 6 Carol services. Plus of course many hours of rehearsal and have shared all these experiences with some amazing musicians and performers.

Plus on top of all of these wonderful experiences, my sister Lauren and her family moved back to South Australia in January. And it has been wonderful to have all my close family back in the same state, to hang out with my sister's and their kids, to sing together again and to share in life.
There has been quite a lot of change and well people coming and going in and out of my life, there's been change at church and groups I'm apart of and there have been many times over this year that I have felt down, sad, lonely, overwhelmed, stressed, totally unsure and utterly exhausted BUT I have also felt such joy, excitement, thankfulness, passion, comfort and peace, and am so grateful for all of it.
I look back over this year and I know God has been with me every moment. Although God, I still haven't found my husband yet. If He could come along soon that would be great 😂
Throughout it all, yes even when I feel lonely, God constantly provides his comfort and he continues to fulfil his promises and to bring about new opportunities in my life that I never thought were possible. I know that whatever is in store for me in 2019, whether I can see it or not He has a greater plan for than I could ever imagine.
Each year I tend to have a bible verse that speaks to me and for 2019 I have a new verse this years is
The interesting thing is that crosses over all areas of my life and has been highlighted to me over and over in the last couple of weeks. So I hope you can take something from that too. "Be Strong, be brave, be fearless, you are never alone".
I'm excited for the new year, I hope that you are too!! Set your goals, follow your dreams, you are never to old to try something new and I say that as much to myself as to you! God has a great future for you and 2019 will be amazing so I want to thank you for being on my journey this year for following along with me. I hope that through my little blog posts you may have been blessed or experienced something or you've had a giggle. I am looking forward to the experiences & blessings of 2019 and to hopefully sharing them with you.
Happy New Year!!
Bec x
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