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Birthday Songs!

I can not believe we are in to November already! This year is flying by. Last week was my birthday and so another year begins...... I am interested to see what it brings :)

The weekend prior the family were all in Melbourne to celebrate my sister Lauren's 30th Birthday. Sh e was having a 1940's themed party which meant victory rolls and red lipstick! Because we were all together it meant that the Raymond Sisters could perform too! It is so lovely to be able to sing together every now and then and this time was no exception. Decked out in our military uniforms we sang through a new song of ours "Babies of the Blitz" which is a fabulous song from the movie Mrs Henderson Presents and we also did our Andrew Sisters Medley both to cheers and applause!! See the videos below :) It was a great night of celebrating Lauren's 30 years!

We were also able to sing again the next day at Whittlesea City Salvation Army "Hymns and High Tea". It was a great afternoon of praise and sharing. We sang quite a few numbers including "Go Tell" "Long as I Got King Jesus" "We Bless Your Name" and then then songs from the night before and "It's Alright with Me". It was such a pleasure to sing and share together again and we hope that all there enjoyed themselves.

Now rehearsals turn to Christmas Music and other projects!! I do love Christmas Music and am so looking forward to performing in the Soul Factor Christmas Concert "It's Almost Christmas" on Saturday December 5th! Grab your tickets soon if you want to come along as it will sell out.

Anyway that is a little update on what's been a happening. Also some other exciting things coming soon!

Have a great week!
Bec x


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