Road trip singalongs are the best! Do you agree?
What are your favourite songs to sing? Do you have specific lists or eras or styles of music you listen/sing to?
For me it usually depends who I am travelling with but nothing beats a good 80s/90s song list....

So last weekend I was on a road trip to Halls Gap with my sister, my brother in law and my niece and nephew. We had a fabulous time singing away the hours to many a favourite. Of course the kids occasionally asked for a song they knew but we thought it was important we listened to the classics haha 😜
We headed to Halls Gap for NanaFest 2019! A weekend to celebrate the 90th Birthday of my Nana Dawn. Staying in cabins and tents the family came from Victoria and SA and shared a weekend of catching up, a party, jumping pillows and bonfires. I do love my family, there is a a lot of us and it is lovely to see the all the generations interacting and enjoying each others company. We had wonderful weather and my sister Liv did a wonderful job in organising it all.
So back from Halls Gap leads into a new week and quite a few events to be at!
This Thursday, 17th Oct, Soul Factor is singing at a Fundraising Concert for Campbelltown Salvation Army and the Women of Worth Project in Kenya. Tickets are only $10 and includes Supper!! If you are free and want to come to a wonderful night of music you can book tickets here
And then on Friday, we have a Vegas to Memphis Music night! J.D Lord and the TIC Band. We will be singing some absolute classics from Elvis to Johnny Cash. Will be an great night of music so why not come along and have a dance!
Then because my life is Music and Makeup I am running a Foundation Workshop on Saturday! Showcasing the NEW! Amazing Mary Kay Timewise 3D Foundations and helpful tips and techniques for foundation application. So if this is your thing and you want to join in, book your place here
So there you have it a crazy week! Would love to see you at one or two things!
Have a fabulous week yourself!
Bec x
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