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Showing posts from January, 2017

"Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain"

I can't believe I am sitting here already a week after the opening of Emma Knights Productions Oklahoma! on a Farm and we have finished another fabulous season and I've already jumped into rehearsals for the next couple of things. But I wanted to take a moment to again talk about this show and to say how grateful I am to be able to perform like this. This season of Oklahoma was HOT!! in many ways but also "literally" haha!! The temperatures of the weekend were in the high 30's and Saturday was so humid, but the amazing cast, crew and orchestra pushed through it and the performances was fabulous. And thats not just me saying that but the audiences who came were again raving at how good it was and what I find wonderful is they all sat through it, in the heat themselves but did not complain. There is something about being on the farm, if you have never been to Four Oaks Farm in Littlehampton I encourage you to (even better if it's for a show I'm doing...

You were 16, going on 17....

Its hard to believe I am sitting here on the first of a new year! 2016 has just flown by and now I sit here contemplating a new year and thanking God for the past one. In the last few days, social media has been covered with people saying how bad 2016 was and how it was the worst year for them etc and I understand for some people it has been a tough year for all various reasons and the world has definitely lost its far share of celebrities and influential people but I have to say for me, 2016 has been an amazing year and although there have been challenges and unexpected things happen I have grown and am thankful for them.  I am not the person I was at the beginning of the year! 2016 for me has been filled with opportunities and ways to use my talents. I moved out on my own, i performed 5 musicals, numerous new gigs and performances, I worked on a film, did an advert, continued to build my Mary Kay business, gained a niece and a nephew, juggled the busiest professional...