It's already the middle of July, can you believe it? And how cold has it been? My goodness, I thought that when I moved down from the hills I would be warmer .....not true. I hope you've been able to keep warm though, I am sure the weather will change soon (fingers crossed!).
So we are into the second half of the year and I am in the process of locking things in and of course learning more music! A few things have happened over the last couple of weeks, including me taking on some singing students. I have been thinking about this for a while and decided that now was the time to get back to sharing knowledge and to work with people who want to better their vocal abilities. I am actually kind of excited to be getting back to it and hope that it is something that works. Singing is my passion and I love to share it with others, teaching it is just another way.
Soul Factor's mid year concert is coming up on July 31st and this year it is a rather fabulous mix of music! What else could warm you up better than an afternoon of Broadway and Gospel music performed for you??
So you don't want to miss "A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That"
It will be a fabulous afternoon and Soul Factor always put on a wonderful show so get your tickets today here!
I have also become an Auntie again in the last month to Hudson Jude MacDonald Stobie. He is absolutely gorgeous and its been so lovely to have my sister Lauren over with her two children for a couple of weeks. My niece Bella had a sleepover at my place the other weekend and we had a great time, playing, dressing up as Disney Princesses, fake snowball fighting and eating! I was exhausted haha!! My other sister Olivia is also due for her baby so we are all waiting for that to happen as well!!
Have a great week!
Bec x
So we are into the second half of the year and I am in the process of locking things in and of course learning more music! A few things have happened over the last couple of weeks, including me taking on some singing students. I have been thinking about this for a while and decided that now was the time to get back to sharing knowledge and to work with people who want to better their vocal abilities. I am actually kind of excited to be getting back to it and hope that it is something that works. Singing is my passion and I love to share it with others, teaching it is just another way.
Soul Factor's mid year concert is coming up on July 31st and this year it is a rather fabulous mix of music! What else could warm you up better than an afternoon of Broadway and Gospel music performed for you??
So you don't want to miss "A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That"
It will be a fabulous afternoon and Soul Factor always put on a wonderful show so get your tickets today here!
Soul Factor are actually very busy at the moment because as soon as the above concert is over we go into rehearsals for our October Musical "Two from Gallilee". This is a beautiful musical about the love story between Mary & Joseph. The music is just gorgeous and anyone will enjoy it. I am playing the role of Mary and can wait to get stuck into it. Look out for more info soon!

Well that's about it for today, there are a few other exciting things in the pipeline which I am very much praying come to pass! This year has been one of doings things I didn't expect to do and I am more great things! Have a great week!
Bec x
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