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In the Waiting


We've all done it, we've all been frustrated by it at times, we've all got through it and I am sure we've all asked the question "But, why?"

On my walk this morning, I really felt I should write about waiting.
Four years ago on this day, my younger brother and his best mate had a car accident. My brother Alex went into a coma and thus began the waiting until 2 days later when he passed away.
We had to wait and see how he was, wait to see how surgery went, wait for test results, wait for a conclusion of sorts. Friends and family had to wait for more information.
Although this time was painful and numbing, it was in this time of waiting that I grew and I know my family grew as well we also found out our strength.

When I look back on this time, I actually am grateful for it. Which to you may sound odd but things like this help us become the people we are meant to. Over those two days, so much prayer and love was spoken, shared, messaged, hugged from all over the world and we felt it powerfully. God was very present in that whole event, who we spoke to, how we shared with the doctors and nurses and then after that with friends, family and others. Yes there was pain and to be honest there still is but I see so much aside from that, that I can be grateful.
God never promised us a pain free life, but He is always there before, through and after the event and uses trials and hard times to grow us and to give us something that then we can share with others.

Now not all waiting is as intense as that experience. You might be waiting to hear about a job, waiting for a baby to come, waiting for your holidays, waiting for the right man to come along (yes I am waiting for that Lord, anytime you like ;) haha!) waiting for clarity or answers.
Whatever it is, don't get discouraged its all part of the process. We want things NOW but its probably not the best time. I myself am a fixer and I struggle when I can't just do something to help fix a situation but my timing isn't God's so I have to wait.

In her book, Beautiful Uncertainty, author Mandy Hale talks a lot about the Waiting, about how even though we don't know what's happening or going to happen this is still a beautiful part of our lives. I encourage you to read her books or blog for encouragement, she has been that to me.

So be present in the waiting, I know it can be difficult and the outcome may not be what you want but God is preparing you. You will have grown in that time and hopefully be able to look back on it gratefully later.

Bec xx


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