So it's again been a little while between posts, it seems I am struggling to sit down and write as time is whipping by!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break I spent mine singing both here in Adelaide and at the Belgrave Convention at Belgrave Heights and catching up with the sister and beautiful niece Bella.
How are you coping with the pace of this year?? Anyway as always I am busy singing, learning & doing makeup. March was a crazy month with a couple of interstate trips, a competition and the beginning of rehearsals for Little Women the Musical which I will be performing in June as Meg the eldest sister. We are having a great time and the cast is fabulous! Its such a wonderful story and the music is fantastic so if you are wanting to attend be on the lookout for info from Therry Dramatic Society click here or follow the Facebook page here and I will surely post more info.
It seems I am rehearsing like a crazy person at the moment, what with 3 rehersals a week for Little Women and 2 a week for Soul Factor. Soul Factor is getting ready to go to Melbourne on May 4 & 5. We will be performing two concerts on Saturday with the Melbourne Staff Band (which is the band I sing with) and then on the Sunday we will be singing at Plenty Valley Salvos and then performing a concert in the Afternoon. Are you in Melbourne??? well we would love to see you at one of these concerts and I can promise a fantastic time too! So for info on Saturday's concerts and tickets click here or for info and tickets to the Sunday Afternoon click here. Of course Saturday and Sunday will be different concerts so you could come to both!! If you live in Adelaide and have heard us tell your friends in Melbourne.
And for you Adelaidians we will be presenting a Pre-tour Concert on Sunday 28th April at 2:30pm, why not come along and bring your friends for some good family fun!
So much happening and I do hope you are well, Im praying my voice holds out haha!!
Hope to see you at one of the events!
Bec x
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break I spent mine singing both here in Adelaide and at the Belgrave Convention at Belgrave Heights and catching up with the sister and beautiful niece Bella.
How are you coping with the pace of this year?? Anyway as always I am busy singing, learning & doing makeup. March was a crazy month with a couple of interstate trips, a competition and the beginning of rehearsals for Little Women the Musical which I will be performing in June as Meg the eldest sister. We are having a great time and the cast is fabulous! Its such a wonderful story and the music is fantastic so if you are wanting to attend be on the lookout for info from Therry Dramatic Society click here or follow the Facebook page here and I will surely post more info.
It seems I am rehearsing like a crazy person at the moment, what with 3 rehersals a week for Little Women and 2 a week for Soul Factor. Soul Factor is getting ready to go to Melbourne on May 4 & 5. We will be performing two concerts on Saturday with the Melbourne Staff Band (which is the band I sing with) and then on the Sunday we will be singing at Plenty Valley Salvos and then performing a concert in the Afternoon. Are you in Melbourne??? well we would love to see you at one of these concerts and I can promise a fantastic time too! So for info on Saturday's concerts and tickets click here or for info and tickets to the Sunday Afternoon click here. Of course Saturday and Sunday will be different concerts so you could come to both!! If you live in Adelaide and have heard us tell your friends in Melbourne.
And for you Adelaidians we will be presenting a Pre-tour Concert on Sunday 28th April at 2:30pm, why not come along and bring your friends for some good family fun!
So much happening and I do hope you are well, Im praying my voice holds out haha!!
Hope to see you at one of the events!
Bec x
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