Hello! it has been a little while since my last blog post. I know I have been getting the year underway and in January I had a little bit of time off singing so that was nice just to refresh.
But it is February and I have been getting back into it. Two weeks ago I sang with Olivia (my sister) at our niece Isabella's dedication in Melbourne. It was a lovely afternoon, dedicating this beautiful little girl back to God. It was also a great catch up time for my family as a big chunk of family lives in Victoria and so we were able to share and eat together and have lots of Bella cuddles.
This past weekend I was the special Guest Artist at the Captivated Women's Conference at Collaroy Centre, Collaroy NSW. This years conference was based around John 10:10 "I came that they may have & enjoy life, and have it in ABUNDANCE" so the theme was Abundance. I was then able to share with the women of the conference for about an hour, just about my life, songs that I love, my journey through losing my brother Alex and how God is using me and my family. It was a real pleasure to share. While I was singing, Sarah Rown-Dahl, a prophetic live painter was painting and it was wonderful to see what she felt God was saying for the women. It was a beautiful painting and she is a truly gifted women. Having studied painting and love it myself it was wonderful to see how God can use that gifting in someone. If you have never heard of her before check out her website http://www.iheartliveart.com/ .
Next weekend I am back with the Staff Band singing at Taralgon and so back into that. This year is looking a great year for my music, I am also in a musical later in the year which I am very much looking forward to so stay tuned. I look forward to singing and sharing for you and others over this year!
Bec x
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