Well its been a little while since I last posted! June seemed to fly by as I was busy finishing financial year as well! Actually its been an interesting time the last month for me. If you don't know, aside from being a Singer & Performer, I am a Mary Kay Sales Director. So I have been learning to juggle all the things I have going on in my life. May was a crazy month, I finished Side Show the Musical, did the Melodienacht concerts in Tanunda, rehearsals and did 50 facial/makeovers. It was a full on month and I was exhausted by the end, both mentally and physically. I knew that I had to recharge and change my thoughts and so I changed up my morning and evening routine, refocused on my goals and who I want to be. Its taking time to slow down a bit, spend time with God and control the thoughts. It really has helped and now I feel happier and less stressed and excited for this new Mary Kay year and the rest of the year. And now we are into the second half of the year, how are...
A little blog about my life of singing, family and adventures!