Today I am doing something new. I am teaching a session at the SA Occupational Therapy Combined State & Country Forum on how singing is good for wellbeing. Did you know this? I am sure all those friends out there who are singers and musical theatre performers know it and most people know how music is good for our wellbeing whether we are a musician or not. What I found interesting is actually looking at it and putting the feelings and benefits into words. For as long as I can remember, I have loved to sing, when feeling down I would put on favourite music and sing along. Or when I felt the situation needed it, sing a soundtrack because just like in the movies, music does enhance a situation, and there is nothing like losing yourself singing at the top of your voice into your hairbrush while dancing like a lunatic......c'mon you can't deny it ;) So I have had to look at songs that make people happy and that are about happiness and wellbeing and how to showcase that to a ...
A little blog about my life of singing, family and adventures!