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Showing posts from May, 2018

"I will never leave you...."

On Saturday, another show finished and again I am left feeling very blessed and thankful for the opportunities that I get. The SA Premiere of "Side Show" the Musical with Hills Musical Company was another wonderful experience not only for those a part of it but loved but audiences as well. So many people told me how they were swept up in the story, they laughed, they cried and continued to think about it days after. And for that I am so grateful, because as an artist doing something that is new and a little different your...I'll say fear, is that no one else will understand what you are trying to share or achieve. The real life story of Daisy and Violet Hilton is one that is not particularly happy at times, life was difficult and in most cases "not their own" but they did make something wonderful out of it to and use their talents to brighten the lives of others, choosing to stay joined together because of their love for one another. Being a conjoine...