It's taken me until today to recover really, it was a rather big weekend haha! It's funny how you go through life and great things, big things etc all seem to clump together, it can't be nicely spread out over time. Well that is what happened on the past weekend, don't get me wrong I had a ball but I was rather exhausted come Monday morning. So what was I doing? Well Saturday started with a big rehearsal with the J.D. Lord Band getting ready for our gig Sunday evening. We did have a rather long set list and although Backing Vocals aren't exactly hard they are taxing on your voice (and some of mine are rather high!) plus you are singing over a loud band. Anyway, Saturday arvo/evening I was getting ready for a Ding Productions gig at the Hilton Adelaide. It was fun to be back with this group and doing our "Funhouse" set. Which includes lots of colours, facepaint, dancers, aerialists and an array of music. The prep definitely goes longer than the actual p...
A little blog about my life of singing, family and adventures!