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Showing posts from January, 2015

"One day I'll fly away...."

On Monday the 12th January it would have been my brother Alex's 21st birthday. To think my little brother would have been that old haha!! Its almost 3 years since Alex passed away and yes we miss him everyday but occasions such as this make you think of him even more. Alex had told us girls (my sisters and I) that for his 21st (yes rather organised for a kid who didn't even start (he's often draw them) a birthday card until the day of the persons birthday!) he wanted an Anime/Video Games dress up theme. So knowing this and wanting to do something to commemorate this special occasion we decided to go along with a party with an Anime/Video Games dress up theme. So on Friday night we had the party. It was a great night, lots of people dressed up, we ate lots of bad food (his specialty haha), chatted, laughed, watched pictures of him and enjoyed each others company just as he would have wanted it. My niece Bella also entertained us all which was hilarious and very special. B...

2015: New Year, New Adventures

Happy New Year!! I can not believe we are already in to 2015. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year time, mine was quiet but very much needed. I was exhausted after the end of the year and so was very much glad of the relaxation and time with family. Love a good nap haha!! So looking back over 2014, how did you feel about that year? I had an interesting year, it was a bit quieter at times as I was no longer travelling with the band but then it got crazy busy at the end of the year. I'll be honest and say that at times through out the year I felt a bit directionless, a bit of a drifter but then I also felt like it was a year to refresh a bit, connect again with people and connect with me. I felt God was saying to trust him and I'm thankful for the year. I have had great times with friends, grown relationships, meet new people, auditioned lots, been a 2 TV series, done makeup for films, weddings & formals, performed at new places, performed two shows Legally Blo...