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Showing posts from December, 2014

For Unto Y'all is born this day.....

I honestly can not believe we are only a week away from Christmas but this year and especially the last few weeks have flown by! I have been really busy though and so I suppose that makes a difference! With the end of Legally Blonde and then driving to Melbourne to see my sister Lauren get commissioned as a Salvation Army Officer at which my sisters and I also sang at (it was lovely to get back to singing together). November was over and December was here. This December, Soul Factor Gospel Choir  is reprising "For Unto Y'all - A Cowboy Christmas" the cowboy musical which we premiered last year. So I was straight into that! This year we are performing it at Scott Theatre Adelaide (one of my favourite theatres to work in, so many memories :) ) and it is bigger and we believe better! Plus it runs in the week up to Christmas and so provides a fabulous event for people to go to with family, or friends or workmates or whatever to get into the Christmas Spirit and have some f...