Over this last week I have been thinking about how life can change "in a moment". Either one minute all is well and the next its not or it can change towards the good, achieving a goal, getting the job etc and yet we never really know when this is going to happen. It was 2 years ago on Tuesday (11th) since my brother passed away, 2 days before he had a car accident. We had woken up on that Friday expecting a normal day and "in a moment" everything had changed, he was in a coma and would never be the same again. I was thinking over this this week and realised how many times it happens in our lives. Change happens everyday and so much of it we can't control, we had no idea we would lose Alex, those people on the Malaysian Airlines flight had no idea they would go missing nor did their families. On the other side, I have received calls this year to do new things, things I never really thought I'd do and weren't expecting so again "in a moment" ...
A little blog about my life of singing, family and adventures!