My goodness I can not believe that it has been over a month since I posted anything, I do apologise but my life got just a little more crazy there for a while and so I was only doing what I had too! But I have had a fabulous month singing, travelling, meeting new people, making new decisions so it has been great. Highlights: On the 30th June - 1st July I was in Canberra with the staff Band which was great, well it was freezing actually but still the time we had was lovely. We were there to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the sinking of the Montevideo Maru. A World War II Japanese ship carrying Australian Prisoners of War that was sunk by the Americans on July 1, 1942. 1000 Australians were killed including many Salvo Bandsmen and Conductor/Composer Arthur Gullidge. We did a concert on the Saturday night which was a great night of music and then on the Sunday was privileged to play at the unveiling of the Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Monument at the Australian War Memorial. Over 10...
A little blog about my life of singing, family and adventures!